Vineyard Community ChurchVineyard Community Church
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Come On In!

Visiting? What to Expect.

Visiting? What to Expect.

It can be a little uncomfortable visiting a venue such as a church for the first time, but if we let you know up front what to expect we think it should make it easier for you.  We are somewhat of an informal kind of church, so come in whatever your comfortable wearing.  Many folks wear jeans or shorts, but if you're most comfortable in better clothes wear them!  We start with some music focused, of course, on God played in a more or less contemporary style.  We do that for about 20-30 minutes.  Then there is some announcements about happenings in our churh immediately followed by a talk by a Pastor.  At the end of the service there usually is an invitation to any who would like prayer for whatever they need.  That's pretty much it.  Depending on the service all this can last anywhere from 1hr. to 1.5 hours.  Hope this helps, we really look forward to meeting you!

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